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Know your lemons: Breast cancer initiative at UP
Kathryn Malherbe (Director/Founder: Breast Cancer Support Pretoria: Lecturer) The Breast Cancer Support Pretoria Non-profit organisation...
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I have dense breast tissue…but what does it mean?
A popular topic in the latest breast cancer research has been the relation between dense breast tissue and the increased risk to develop...
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Oh, Mammogram.
Over 6000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in South Africa each year. Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer amongst...
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October is International BreastCancer Awareness Month
Join the ACI's Cancer Lecture series on Breast Cancer: Cellullar Transitions, Overcoming Clinical Challenges and its Psychosocial Impact...
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What is artificial intelligence?
Screening! Machine learning is a great way to expand and improve breast cancer testing.
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Do you know where your local clinic is situated?
See a GP as soon as possible if you notice any symptoms of breast cancer, such as an unusual lump in your breast or any change in the...
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COVID-19 and the impact to Non-Profit organizations
COVID-19 lockdown and Non-profit organizations the public, e.g. academic reports, and Newsletter. Breast Cancer Support Pretoria (BCSP)...
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Gene mutation
High risk gene mutations PALB2: The PALB2 (partner and localizer of BRCA2) gene provides instructions to make a protein that works with...
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